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2020- What a year!!!


WEll, what a year 2020 has been! This year has been a rollercoaster for everyone that's for sure! To begin this year we had a few changes happen! New staff joined our awesome crew, 2 fully licensed and 1 who started in the workshop and worked hard to get his truck licenses! This year also saw COVID-19 take over the country, putting everyone into lockdown..... except for our boys! Our boys were counted as essential workers throughout the lockdown period which meant they were in the frontline of all the action! Once lockdown was over it was back to normal for the whole crew, but which also saw the sale of our beloved T650 Kenworth. This year has definitely had some ups and downs for all our crew, but we are looking forward to bringing everyone the same great service again in 2021!! BRING IT ON!


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